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Hyderabad Feminist Reading Group
Sat Dec 15, 12:00 PM
Tarun Gidwani
FB event link: https://www.facebook.com/events/1927497697346503/

Firstly, new comers are more than welcome. (We can even skip the awkward round of introductions in the beginning)
Secondly, here is the link to this session's reading: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oLGqFPDwEew_GhqrXi0EgDJ8bHhwLzrv/view?usp=sharing

A third session. Who would have thought?

The last session was a small group of people, but the discussion was rich and beautiful. Peculiarly though, most people who showed up last time were Law students. Inspired by their company, this session's reading is a classic text from Feminist legal theory: Lucie White's "Subordination, Rhetorical Survival Skills, and Sunday Shoes: Notes on the Hearing of Mrs. G". It is a dazzling piece of legal theory that most Feminist law professors add to their students' required reading list.

But, what's the reading about? It's about how cultural representations and legal norms create a universe where the language of socially subordinated groups is seen as inherently inferior to those of dominant groups. A part of the paper, which I find the most interesting, is about how subordination itself leads the members of that group to employ verbal strategies that mark their speech as different from that of dominant style. She does all this through the story of one "Mrs. G" - a woman subordinated by race, gender and class who is trying to make herself heard in a hearing.

Its a pretty long paper, so we'll only have this one reading for the next session. Although honestly, it only appears long. Much of the text is long footnotes - and all most of the footnotes are doing is referencing to texts with long titles.

Like always, please try and make notes while you do the reading - especially the stuff you found difficult to grasp, or didn't agree with. Then, bring the notes to session so it makes for a spicier session.

Also for the next session, there's some stuff to discuss after we're done with text:
1. Should we change to doing this weekly? Folks in the last session wanted this.
2. Lets come up with a better name for the group.

Finally, if you'd like to keep receiving updates about sessions in the future, please join this FB group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1451288351669247/
We'll try to keep it free of any post apart from ones about the reading group.

You can reach me on FB message if you need any more information: facebook.com/tarungidwani

See you on 16th in the morning? <3

PS: Lets also have samosas this time.